949-459-2137 [email protected]

Continuous Cost Savings

We continuously look at your purchases in order to provide you with innovative ideas that will save you money while maintaining and improving quality.

Every client is unique. Some prefer net costs, others prefer rebates from manufacturers. Still others prefer a combination of both. Procurement Plus has the systems and flexibility to adapt to any client’s directives and desires.

Procurement Plus can create, for every client, customized programs with rebates that are superior to those available through industry standard generic rebate programs. Submitted and paid quarterly, Clients receive detailed reports for every item tracked and will also know what other items they may wish to consider to enhance furthering their profitability.

Rebates can be tracked collectively or for individual locations, depending on Client preferences. This serves as a significant benefit to franchise groups who wish to provide openness with their franchisees and wish for them to receive directly monies to which they are entitled.